If you were only allowed by law to perform and reap the benefits from just one exercise only, then without a doubt; The Number 1 Most Beneficial Exercise for you to perform and reap the benefits from would be ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’.

Woman Doing Push-Ups

A few reasons why ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’ are The Number 1 Most Beneficial Exercise:

  1. Performing ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’ will ultimately result in an improvement of your overall physical strength, physical conditioning, and physical appearance.
  2. It’s not just a chest exercise; when performing ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’, every major muscle group from head to toe is under some form of beneficial physical stress, whether the stress is repetitive or isometric. Upper body, mid body, and lower body muscle groups are activated to support your body while stabilizing you through the exercise performance.
  3. There is actually a great cardiovascular and calorie burning benefit attained from performing ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’ because your heart must work harder to deliver an oxygen-rich blood supply to all of the involved muscle tissue.
  4. Increased flexibility and improved posture are also some benefits you will receive from performing ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’.
  5. The convenience factor cannot be denied; you can perform ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’ almost anywhere and at any time, whether it’s within your home, while you’re at work, or when you’re out at the park, you can quickly make FIT happen.
  6. There are a myriad of Push-Up variations that can be performed, and these exercise variations can create a continuous shock factor to the body. If you need/want more of a challenge, you can perform ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups with your feet elevated, you can perform Hand Clap Push-Ups, you can use bolster blocks or push-up bars to allow you a greater range of motion, you can also create a greater resistance factor by wearing a weighted-vest, putting a weight plate across your upper back, or use resistance bands and/or cables that are placed across the back and held down with the hands.

Regardless of your fitness goal, try to make ‘Straight Leg Push-Ups’ the foundation of your exercise routine, and you’ll soon reap the awesome benefits.

“In all that you choose to pursue and do; You are worthy of your dreams coming true …” – Trainer Z