Spotlighting: Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward 

For this month of July 2017; our ‘Celebrity Fitness Spotlight’ is shining on Boxer, Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward who I had the Golden Opportunity of interviewing for our magazine.

Who Is Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward is a Puerto Rican – American actress and former competitive amateur boxer. She is a 2x Philadelphia Golden Gloves Champion and 1x Eastern Regional and Pennsylvania State Champion. Chica is the featured boxer and assistant trainer in Coach Rick’s Mastering the Art of Technical Mittwork DVDs.

Here is my ‘Celebrity Fitness interview’ with Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward.

Trainer Z: Before we talk fitness, please inform us and the world of any events and/or projects you have coming up that we should be on the lookout for?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I have a short film coming out soon about a young girl who overcomes obstacles in and out of the ring, pretty excited for it. I’ve been focusing a lot on acting and I actually wrote the screenplay for this film, we’re in pre-production for it now. We’re also in the midst of producing all new Mittology Pro-torials as well as new boxing instructionals from the ground up that are officially sponsored by RDX Sports.

Trainer Z: What are some professional accomplishments you are most proud of?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I would have to say winning the Golden Gloves when I was competing as an amateur. It’s a prestigious event and ever since I started boxing it was a goal that I had set out for.

Trainer Z: Knowing that the time factor is a major deterring factor for many people, how is it that you are able to manage the demands of your professional career and still make time to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: A lot of people think you have to spend hours working out and as a result, they overtrain and don’t produce the results they would like to see. I used to be one of them lol until my husband (trainer) convinced me otherwise lol and I started to see better results. Really you can accomplish more if you intensify your workout and 15-20 minutes a day is all you really need. On days I’m working and I know I won’t be able to do my normal boxing training, two days out the week I’ll do 15 minutes of intense circuit training and that’ll work my overall muscle, strength, and cardio and if I’m feeling up for it for the third day I’ll just run two miles something light and that’s all I need for the week.

Trainer Z: I often tell people that fitness dedication starts with motivation. Who or what motivates you to workout?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: Just the want to stay healthy and in shape.

Trainer Z: Please share with us some details of your current/typical workout week?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: Even though I don’t compete anymore I still do the boxer’s workout. I do mittwork training, shadow boxing, jump rope, and finish it up with calisthenics (i.e. small arm circles, push-ups) and crunches, 3 days a week.

Trainer Z: What forms of cardio activity do you include in your workout routine?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I run outside, old boxing habit

Trainer Z: What specific fitness goal are you currently focused on?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I like to stay at the shape I was in when I was competing, it won’t be the exact shape but close to it.

Trainer Z: What genres of music or current songs do you listen to while you’re working out?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I have not updated my playlist in forever, it’s terrible I just run with YouTube on.

Trainer Z: What foods do you generally consume within your typical fitness day?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: I don’t do any diet restrictions, I eat healthily but if I’m feeling like pizza I eat pizza, everything in moderation.

Trainer Z: What words of encouragement can you share with people who struggle to consistently make fitness a part of their lifestyle?

  • Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward: Try boxing mittwork or the boxer’s workout. The struggle some people have is enjoying the workout, for some running or circuit training isn’t enjoyable and they just won’t workout because of it. We get wonderful testimonials from people all over the world letting us know that they’ve lost weight or they just feel better and happy overall because of the boxing mittwork training (Mittology) they see us do.


20 Personality/Lifestyle Questions for Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward:

The series of questions and answers listed below will give us an insightful and potentially humorous glimpse into Chica’s personality and/or lifestyle. How well can you relate to her???

  1. Cars or SUV’s?
    – Cars
  2. City or Country?
    – City
  3. Camping Out or Hotels?
    – Camping out with a custom RV no tents lol.
  4. Flowers or Plants?
    – Plants
  5. Paintings or Sculptures?
    – Tough one
  6. Card Games or Dominoes?
    – Card Games
  7. Comedies or Horror Movies?
    – Comedies
  8. Batman or Superman
    – Arrow! but between Batman and Superman…Superman
  9. Baseball Caps or Headbands?
    – Baseball Caps
  10. Cats or Dogs?
    – Both but I’m allergic to cats
  11. Lions or Tigers?
    – Both but Lions are the king of the jungle
  12. Tropical Birds or Tropical Fish?
    – Birds but fish are awesome too
  13. Jogging or Swimming?
    – Swimming
  14. Bowling or Shooting Pool?
    – Bowling
  15. Coffee or Tea?
    – Tea
  16. Apples or Oranges?
    – Oranges
  17. Cakes or Pies?
    – Cakes
  18. Brownies or Cookies?
    – Cookies
  19. Chocolate Milk or Strawberry Milk?
    – Chocolate Milk
  20. Pizza or Tacos?
    – Sheesh tough one but pizza unless it’s Tuesday

Trainer Z: There you have it; she is Jessica ‘Chica’ Coward. Thank you, Chica, for taking the time to share with us; you are greatly appreciated. We look forward to your upcoming projects and to also ‘Spotlighting’ you again in the near future. Before you jog off into the sunset; please let everyone know how they can contact/connect with you.