Trainer Z ‘The Fitness Motivator’ Demonstrating Chin-Ups / Pull-Ups.

I am Trainer Z “The Fitness Motivator”! In this Real Deal Fitness episode 4, I’m performing the most challenging repetitive body-weight exercise which is Chin-Ups / Pull-Ups (this is an upper back exercise for the lats).

When you are performing Chin-Ups / Pull-Ups, the biceps (front of the upper arms) are doing the actual work while the back muscles take on the workload motion.

You should try to perform the Chin-Ups / Pull-Ups with full range reps, going to failure for 4 – 6 sets on a daily basis or at least a minimum of 3 x per week.

Keep in mind that the slower you perform your reps, the greater the exercise challenge which will lead to a greater physical benefit. If you’re going to do them, you might as well do them for the greater benefit.

When your overall strength and conditioning greatly improves beyond being able to perform more than 12 reps in a set, you can then add additional weight to your body by placing a dumbbell between the legs or use a dip belt in conjunction with weight plates or a weighted vest or a weighted belt.