Resist The Advertising And The Celebrity Endorsements For Weight Loss Products

Reality Check: You do not need Weight Loss Products to lose weight; for the most part, you just simply need to consume fewer high-carb foods.

A primary lifestyle rule that I consistently express to people is that you ideally should not consume any type of supplement (dietary or otherwise) that you cannot or will not consume for the rest of your life.

Any advertised beneficial claims for Weight Loss Products (even if true) are not worth the potential side effects and health risks, and since you can’t/won’t consume a Weight Loss Product for the rest of your life, you will more than likely gain weight again because you didn’t make any actual lifestyle eating adjustments.

So be smart, be safe, and resist the advertising and the celebrity endorsements; say NO to Weight Loss Products, and then make the truly beneficial lifestyle change of consuming fewer high-carb foods.

Fitness Disclaimer: The fitness content provided by Trainer Z and presented here on ‘TZelement MAG’ is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific course of action. Fitness is not without risks, and injuries and even death can occur. It is strongly suggested that you consult a physician before performing any fitness exercises, incorporating any tips, or adhering to any fitness program or eating suggestions.