Spotlighting: Brandon Kent

Our ‘Cover Guy’ for this month of February, 2019 is a spiritually uplifted urban styled dancer who’s on a magnificent mission.

Brandon Kent is in the spotlight and giving us a glimpse into himself and his magnificent mission to spread the word and give glory to God through his dance ministry.

Who Is Brandon Kent?

Brandon is currently attending the Atlanta School of Ministry (Urban Arts concentration). This young man of God loves to dance and has a heart for people. Brandon has been dancing since he was 3 years old, and has been performing (as well as competing) since the age of 11 years old. Brandon states that …

All of my progress has developed through the grace of God. If it wasn’t for how loving God is, I wouldn’t be where I am today with my ministry. Knowing that I can put all of my trust in God (and He will continue to be my Savior), is refreshing. (I’m excited to see what God is going to do in this world!).

Here is our ‘Spotlight Interview’ with Brandon Kent

Trainer Z: What’s the best personal advice given to you, and by whom?
Brandon: Plan your goals in advance and take it day-by-day. This was relayed to me by my spiritual mentors.

Trainer Z: If you could sit down and have dinner, and converse with one individual who is no longer living, who would it be, and why?
Brandon: Mac Miller (rapper), just to explain the potential he had in the eyes of God. His value as a person had a huge impact in the world, and to appreciate the life that was given to him but to begin to live it for the Glory of God.

Trainer Z: What’s the 1 word you would use to describe yourself, and why?
Brandon: Humble. I’m quick to give recognition and uplift the gifts and talents of others; although, I continue to work on mine as hard as I can every day.

Trainer Z: If you were granted the authority to change 2 things in the world, what would they be?
Brandon: I would reduce the cost (or provide more government assistance) for college tuition. I would recommend more Biblical Programs within public schooling.

Trainer Z: What are some personal accomplishments you are most proud of?
Brandon: In 2015, I placed 1st in the nation in a Fine Arts Festival in Orlando, Florida (Dance Competition).

Trainer Z: What do you hope to accomplish with your dance ministry?
Brandon: To travel the world, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom through my ministry of dance.

Trainer Z: Can you share a spiritual testimony?
Brandon: My life was as good as it gets, I was brought up in the church; I became saved when I was young, and my family was always close and strong with (and for) each other. When I became older, I became comfortable with my relationship with Christ. My relation became lukewarm, and I was comfortable with that, and God was not. When I was 19 years old, God molded inside me the burning desire to live my life for Him and only for Him. My relationship with Christ grew tremendously within one year. My whole perspective of life changed! God allowed me to physically be a light in the darkness, and be an example of Christ to people who were lost.

Trainer Z: What words of encouragement would you give to someone who is struggling with low self-esteem and/or social acceptance?
Brandon: Being yourself is something that nobody in this world can do, but you. You have the ability to do what nobody can do, and that is to be who God made you to be. Realize how much value you add to the kingdom of God, because God does!

Trainer Z: Focusing on your life in general and your aspirations, 3-5 years from now, where do you see yourself?
Brandon: I see myself in Atlanta, GA – having my own dance workshop, traveling, teaching people who are interested in dance, and spreading the gospel by having devotion.

Trainer Z: Now, let’s talk fitness. Can you share with us some specific details about your current workout routine.
Brandon: Honestly haha, I make workout plans a lot! But the one I’m on now, I try to get a workout in 3 days a week. A mixture of legs, arms, and chest.

Trainer Z: What specific things do you do to stay in condition for dancing?
Brandon: I constantly create choreography, stretch, play an active sport.

Trainer Z: What genres of music or current songs do you listen to while you’re working out?
Brandon: I have to go with Hip Hop!

Trainer Z: What sports or outdoor activities do you enjoy playing?
Brandon: I love basketball! I could play basketball all day.

Personality and Lifestyle Questions

The questions and answers listed below will give us an insightful glimpse into Brandon’s personality and lifestyle. How well can you relate to him?

  • Christmas or Thanksgiving? Christmas.
  • Cats or Dogs? Dogs.
  • Indoor Rock/Wall Climbing or Indoor Skydiving? Indoor Skydiving.
  • Jet Skiing or Snowmobiling? Jet Skiing.
  • Boot Camp Workout Class or Yoga Class? Boot Camp Workout Class.
  • Paintings or Sculptures? Sculptures.
  • Coloring Book or Canvas Painting? Coloring Book.
  • Crossword Puzzles or Jigsaw Puzzles? Crossword Puzzle.
  • Board Games or Card Games? Card Games.
  • Checkers or Chess? Checkers.
  • Live Plays or Movies? Movies.
  • Laser Tag or Paintball? Laser Tag.
  • Bowling or Shooting Pool? Shooting Pool.
  • Air Hockey or Foosball? Foosball.
  • Merry-Go-Rounds or Roller Coasters? Roller Coasters.
  • Bumper Cars or Pedal Boats? Bumper Cars.
  • Pizza or Tacos? Tacos.
  • Cherries or Grapes? Grapes.
  • Cold Cereal or Hot Cereal? Hot Cereal.
  • Pancakes or French Toast? French Toast.

Trainer Z: There you have it folks! Big thanks and much success to you Brandon … but before you venture off, are there any events and/or projects you have coming up that we should be on the lookout for?
Brandon: Yes! I’m currently working on a project with Ace Boogie – International Gospel Artist. Also, a project with Co-Heir Collective. They will both be two sick dance videos!

Individuals, businesses, and organizations contact and/or connect with Brandon via the following:
– Email:
– Instagram: @kevinbrandonn