Rapper Scarface; The face of a Champion in music and in health, posting up with our media partner Terrible T.
Rapper Scarface; (Brad Terrence Jordan) – The iconic rapper and author of ‘Diary of a Madman: The Geto Boys, Life, Death, and the Roots of Southern Rap‘, rose to music prominence during the 1990’s as a member of the famed rap group “Geto Boys”. With an often-imitated bravado -accompanied by accentual lyrics, his ability to capture ghetto life, insisted upon the inclusion of ‘southern rap’ into a genre of music traditionally reserved for “East Coast-West Coast” artists.

“Scarface” is no stranger to delivering pointed messages through his musical scores; however, the inspirational message he currently shares with the world – is one that deserves the greatest amount of fan-fare.

In the wake of culminating health scares that threatened to end his life, the Houston MC is currently living a life of advocacy, which stresses the importance of ‘eating to live’, rather than ‘living to eat’. In recent media statements, “Scarface”, addresses health issues, which (in most cases) can be eradicated with motivation, routine exercise and food portion control. “I had it all: Congestive Health Failure, Malignant High Blood Pressure, Kidney Damage, Enlarged Heart, Sleep Apnea, Borderline Diabetes and Depression,” he candidly admits. “I began doing whatever it took to lose weight.”

Having the unyielding fortitude to go from 291 pounds to 185 pounds is great cause for GETtheTZelement.com, to Spotlight this rap legend. Rapper Scarface, has taken positive control, to become a champion for the health cause which is vital to us all.