Having served as a valued and trusted entertainment contributor with ‘TZelement MAG’ for over 3-yrs, It is our esteemed pleasure to announce ‘TJ Speaks’ (author/playwright/talk-show host/voice-talent), as our new Content Editor.

TJ Speaks has gained success and the respect of her peers (via television, radio, stage, and print), and will tell anyone who asks—the best is yet to come! Through her ability to create SEO compliant content (aimed to enlighten and entertain), she has established herself as a creative force with whom media entities readily align themselves. Her eponymous talk show – “TJ Speaks 2U”, books, articles, plays and voice-over offerings speak to her unique sense of fortitude and creative brilliance.

TJ believes in operating in her gift to bring information and entertainment to audiences in a manner deemed unapologetically clever and inspirational. Should you have the opportunity to work with her – or simply sit with her to share casual conversation, prepare to adopt her mantra: You CAN … You WILL … if, you BELIEVE.

CONGRATULATIONS to TJ; her growth with ‘TZelement MAG’, is proof the reckoning of hard work inevitably comes due.

TJ Speaks - Logos

– Some Questions For TJ –

TZelement MAG: What’s the one word you would use to define yourself?
TJ: RESILIENT! As a cancer survivor, I’ve learned that things aren’t always as final as they initially appear. No matter what I’m faced with in the future, I may bend a little bit, but I won’t break.

TZelement MAG: With regards to your creative talents, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
TJ: Five years from now, I see myself living in Los Angeles – continually learning and expanding my vision for network television, motion pictures and publishing. For me, believing is the first step toward any goal; if I believe it, I trust I can have it.

TZelement MAG: If you had the authority, what 3 things would you change in the world?
TJ: 1. I would implement a diversity-rich curriculum in every school, with conferment requirements that include community service, role-playing, and mastery of diversity based learning aids. Our children need to understand there’s a societal aspect to their education that’s just as important as letters and numbers.

2. I say, let’s do away with incarceration and weapons. Maybe this is just how my mind works, but I can imagine a world where the punishment for a crime – is performing random acts of kindness (until the debt to society is paid in full). A world that promotes peace through non-violent reform—yes, that’s what I would create!

3. It bothers me to see a gifted person struggling from lack of access. I would create viable opportunities for people to go after their dreams. If we do what we love, the money will come, right? There’s a quote from one of my favorite bookmarks – that speaks to the beauty of a benevolent spirit (a gift from my mother – just days before I relocated to California, author is unknown), and it reads… “The journey of life moves in one direction, any kindness I can show my fellow man, let me not defer, for I shall not pass this way again.”

TZelement MAG Cover - TJ Speaks - August 2018