Author, humanitarian, and philanthropist – “Chelsea Clinton” has launched her young minds inspiration book ‘It’s Your World’

The New York book signing event for Chelsea Clinton ‘It’s Your World’ was a wonderful and very enlightening event.

The opportunity to talk with, interact with, and photo pose with Chelsea was just as enjoyable as when I had the grand opportunity to talk with and photo pose with her mother; Hillary Clinton..

Chelsea Clinton’s young minds inspiration book; ‘It’s Your World’, gives us all some real world environmental reality checks as well as giving us glimpses at some very remarkable kids throughout the world who have taken it upon themselves to do their part (either in their homes, their neighborhoods, their countries, our world) in making a difference in the world to help make it a better place to live.

Chelsea definitely has a deep sense of awareness and strong sense of responsibility in caring about the world and it’s environmental dynamics. More than just thoughts and words expressed in a book; Chelsea is using the book as a great motivational tool and plans to visit schools near and far to infuse motivation within the young minds of the world, giving them the creative confidence that their efforts can and will make a difference.

May we all be encouraged to “Get Informed”, “Get Inspired”, and “Get Going” to individually do our small part to benefit the world as a whole.

This book would definitely be a great gift to present to some of the young minds you may know.

– Trainer Z (2015)

In recognition of Chelsea Clinton; ‘TZelement MAG’ is pleased to ‘SPOTLIGHT’ her for her genuine compassion for the children of the world, her humanitarian lifestyle contributions, and for putting out a young minds book that is a truly positive and inspiring read for all ages.

You can click on the link below to purchase copies of Chelsea Clinton’s ‘It’s Your World’!

:: Purchase Your Book Copy ::

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