I know all too well how frustrating it can be for many people to lose weight, and as a result, the temptation for people to then seek out and ingest pills, powders, and potions for what they think will be a quick or easy fix to losing the unwanted weight.

Some weight loss products claim to increase your body’s metabolism, others claim to suppress your appetite, and a few others claim to prevent fat absorption within your body. At the end of the day, these weight loss products all promise to help you lose a significant amount of weight, and in a short period of time, without you making any necessary lifestyle changes.

Reality Check 1: You do not need weight loss products in order to lose weight, in order to achieve favorable results, you do need to adhere consistently to the following criteria:

– Have willpower
– Have Patience
– Consume less high-carb food products daily and weekly
– Consume more protein daily and weekly
– Consume more water daily and weekly
– Perform routine exercise 3-5 days weekly

You must utilize your good judgment and willpower to resist the temptation brought on by eye-catching product packaging, slick advertising, and celebrity endorsements for those rapid weight loss products and their highly questionable and/or misleading claims. Even if the rapid weight loss products worked as claimed, you wouldn’t be happy with the ending results because a weight loss that occurs too rapidly would not allow your skin to unstretch/retract favorably, you would then more than likely end up with a lot of sagging skin or at the very least, a lot of undesirable stretch marks in various areas of your body. By gradually reducing your body fat, you will give your skin a better chance of unstretching/retracting more favorably.

Reality Check 2: Any advertised beneficial claims for weight loss products (even if true) are not worth the potentially dangerous side affects and health risks, and because you didn’t make any actual lifestyle eating adjustments, unfortunately, once you discontinue your use of the weight loss products, you will more than likely gain a significant amount of body fat/weight back again.

A primary lifestyle rule that I consistently express to people is that you ideally should not consume any type of supplement that you cannot or will not consume for the remainder of your life.

So choose to be Fit Smart, be Fit Safe, and resist the overwhelming temptation by saying NO to Weight Loss Products!


Fitness Disclaimer: The fitness content provided by Trainer Z and ‘the TZ element’ is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific course of action. Fitness is not without risks. It is strongly suggested that you consult a physician before performing any fitness exercises, or adhering to any fitness program or eating suggestions.