If you didn’t know; Retired NBA Professional Basketball Player Ray Allen (2x NBA Champion) has just released a book titled “From The Outside – My Journey Through Life And The Game I Love”. which highlights some of the key moments on and off the basketball court.

I had the opportunity to attend Allen’s book signing, and much to my surprise and to the surprise of many others, the turnout and resulting waiting line which extended outside was a long one for sure, go figure; for a non-New York athlete, this was a greater turnout than one could have anticipated.

The book signing went well over the slated time due to the large turnout of people, but like a true professional and a great person, Allen accommodated everyone who attended; Big Props are called for here because most notable people would have left the scene after the time was up, leaving those remaining with feelings of disappointment, but not Ray Allen a.k.a TrayFour on Instagram.

Ray Allen and Trainer Z

The book overall is a very positive read, and Allen shares some life lessons with us that we can apply to our ongoing lives, so I definitely encourage a book purchase or at least a book borrow.

Coming Soon: Your chance to WIN an autographed copy of Ray Allen’s book for yourself or for someone you know in our first Monthly Prize Contest…