Angelina Jolie has a huge heart for helping others throughout the world

Oscar-winning actress and humanitarian, “Angelina Jolie”, daughter of Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight, has made charitable strides that are not only impressive, but also unprecedented by women of her stature.

Jolie first became personally aware of worldwide humanitarian crises while filming the popular Tomb Raider movie in Cambodia. Since 2001, Jolie has been on field missions around the world, meeting in-need individuals in Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Thailand, Ecuador, Kosovo, Kenya, Namibia, Sri Lanka, North Caucasus, Jordan, Egypt, New Delhi, Costa Rica, Chad, Syria, and Iraq, to name just a few.

Jolie has diligently used her celebrity to support and bring greater awareness to over twenty-nine (29) charities that range from “Afghanistan Relief Organization” to “Yéle Haiti Foundation”.

Angelina (French meaning: Angel), is known for her stunning good looks and statuesque physique; but, what is most intriguing – is her compassion for her fellow man. With humanitarian efforts that span the globe, it warms the heart to see such an element of grace matched perfectly with compassion (to make a difference in the lives of others).

In recognition of her success (both on-and-off screen), ‘the TZ element’ is pleased to Spotlight Angelina Jolie for charitable efforts that are clearly from the heart. Angelina is not only living up to the demands and expectations of Hollywood, but in ways that prove remarkably benevolent … she’s living up to her name.

Like Angelina Jolie; may we all strive to have a more worldly heart for helping…