It’s 2018 and you’ve probably made a few well-intended resolutions going forward, perhaps one of those resolutions is to finally “Make FIT Happen”…

So you are mentally focused and you are ready to pursue your physical self-improvement goals; you definitely want to become healthier, you certainly want to feel better, and you probably want to look a bit better as well. I have no doubt that you will rise up to the challenge and put that body of yours into the initial stages of motion and movement but are you prepared to handle the greater challenge of staying motivated, keeping on track and going the lifestyle distance because unfortunately; incentives rarely equate to motivation.

Whether you’re an exercise beginner, an avid exercise enthusiast, an amateur athlete, or a professional athlete, everyone is eventually bound to get into a workout rut, usually from either a lack of enthusiasm or a lack of results.

The one thing that I most often tell people is that fitness consistency and longevity is all about motivation; without motivation, there will ultimately be a lack of motion and movement and therefore very little of the desired improvement.

.Here are my 4 Key Fitness Motivation Tips to incorporate into your lifestyle that will help to keep you mentally and/or physically motivated so that you can “Make FIT Happen” in 2018.

  1. Motivation From Music: Not just for listening to while working out, when you feel the need for a quick jolt of motivation, try listening to some of your favorite tunes ahead of your actual workout time to help get you mentally psyched up beforehand.
  2. Motivation From Meal Prepping: Preparing your meals a few days or even a few weeks in advance will help you to go the distance, you may actually find yourself craving your meals more as you’ll be apt to thinking about them throughout the day knowing that they are already prepared in advance and just waiting for you to simply heat and eat.
  3. Motivation From Accountability: Create a personal support team. Inform a few of your family members and/or friends of your specific fitness goals and your specific plan of action, ask them to hold you accountable on a daily basis for eating appropriately and working out routinely; their positive and reinforcing support will aid you greatly in keeping you motivated.
  4. Motivation From Your Belief: No negativity; strictly positivity in your physical self-improvement thought process; believe that you can indeed achieve. Never think failure even if you missed a workout or you over-indulged on some food items; tomorrow will be your next day for success.

“In all that you choose to pursue and do; You are worthy of your dreams and goals coming true …” – Trainer Z